Why Should You Use Vitamins for Your Hair, Skin & Nails?
Wondering if you should consider taking vitamins for healthy hair, skin & nails? A little boost to keep them healthy can help. In fact, over recent years, many people have started taking vitamins to maintain a certain beauty standard.
Read on to know about the vitamins that can help you keep your skin, hair, and nails healthy. Also, learn how you can incorporate them into your daily routine.
What Do Hair, Nail & Skin Vitamins Do? How Do They Work?
Hair, nail, and skin vitamins work as supplements to combat deficiencies and restore the body’s health. Also known as beauty supplements, these have gained popularity for maintaining hair, skin, and nail health.
In fact, vitamins are constantly endorsed by celebrities and social media influencers, for their myriad benefits.
In today’s times, extreme climate change and ever-increasing pollution take a toll on your hair, skin, and nails. Also, a hectic lifestyle and lack of maintenance add up to the damage.
You may, thus, experience thinning hair, damaged skin, and brittle nails, due to vitamin deficiencies. In such a scenario, vitamin supplements can overcome deficiencies and restore your body to its natural state.
However, it is important to note that research and surveys on the benefits of these supplements are still limited. As a result, there’s no guarantee that these products will make a noticeable difference in your hair, skin, or nails.
How To Choose Vitamins for Hair, Nails & Skin?
1) Quality & Effectiveness
While purchasing any beauty supplement, you may want to look for a proprietary blend. Also, keep in mind that the exact amounts of the ingredients used in the blends are disclosed. This will enable you to avoid any products that contain ingredients you are allergic to.
2) Brand Reputation
Go for trustworthy brands when it comes to supplements and vitamins. Look for vitamins that have been tested by a third-party organization, such as NSF, USP and ConsumerLab.
A third-party seal of approval ensures that the product contains the types and quantities of ingredients listed on the label.
3) Possible Contraindications
Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should be cautious while using any kind of vitamin supplements. Some components may interact with medications or be hazardous.
Before trying any new supplements, always consult with a healthcare professional to ensure that the product is safe for you to use.
4) The Composition
Never ignore the ingredients list when buying a supplement. There could be some unfamiliar ingredients that you are not aware of. Look up on the internet to get an idea if those are safe for you.
Also, keep in mind that most low-quality supplements contain unnecessary additives. These additives prevent the active ingredient from being absorbed by your body.
5) The Dosage
It is important that you take an appropriate dose of supplements, suitable for your body and skin type. Mostly, consumers find it difficult to identify a suitable dose and eventually end up overdosing.
Taking too much of a food supplement can lead to various health problems. For example, excessive vitamin D intake can cause vitamin D toxicity.
6) Bioavailability
Bioavailability means the ability to be absorbed and used by your body. Orally bioavailable indicates a drug that is orally consumed can be absorbed and used by the body. Check if your supplement has this quality or not.
Benefits of Taking Hair, Nail and Skin Vitamins
Hair, skin, and nail supplements contain antioxidants such as vitamins A, C and E. These also have Coenzyme Q10, Manganese, selenium, as well as fatty acids like fish oil and flaxseed oil.
The latter is frequently found in hair supplements and aids in the growth of hair and nails. The benefits of these supplements are further elaborated below.
1) Vitamin A
Vitamin A is an anti-aging agent that reduces acne flare-ups. It also has antioxidant properties. A lack of vitamin A may increase the risk of developing acne. Also, vitamin A moisturizes your scalp and helps your hair grow faster.
2) Vitamin B
Vitamin B has been linked to a reduction in the risk of nonmelanoma skin cancer and precancerous growths. It is an essential vitamin for hair and nails. It boosts your hair growth and reduces hair loss.
3) Vitamin C
Vitamin C is an antioxidant that aids in the fight against free radicals, and helps in skin brightening and collagen stimulation. Vitamin C also aids in the prevention of skin pigmentation.
4) Biotin
Biotin, also known as vitamin B7, is a B-complex vitamin that aids the body in the metabolization of proteins, which are required for producing healthy skin, hair, and nail cells.
People who are severely deficient in biotin, frequently experience hair loss, eczema, and brittle nails. Supplementation can help to correct these issues.
5) Keratin
Keratin is a structural protein found in the outer layer of your hair, skin, and nails. Although the human body produces plenty of it on its own, beauty enthusiasts frequently claim that supplementing can make hair stronger and shinier.
6) Iron
Iron assists red blood cells in transporting oxygen to your cells. As a result, it is essential for many bodily functions, including hair growth. Anemia, caused by iron deficiency, is a major cause of hair loss.
7) Vitamin E
Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that fights against free radicals and prevents fine lines. It is also known for reducing skin conditions like eczema. Being a water-soluble nutrient, vitamin E helps to rejuvenate and restore dry cuticles by increasing moisture in the nail bed and the skin around the nails. Its deficiency can lead to rough, scaly patches of skin over time.
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Vitamin supplements for hair, nails and skin can help combat deficiencies and return natural equilibrium in the body.
Also, most supplement products contain very a smaller number of vitamins and minerals, making them safe for consumers.
The safety of the supplement also largely depends on which brand you are using.
It is recommended that you buy products from reputable brands which are backed by industry experts.
Consuming a healthy diet that’s rich in vitamins can also help.
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